A collection of prayer-poems that presents a glorious celebration of peace, Calkin offers personal reflections on her developing, peaceful relationship with God. A book full of inspiration.
The quality of the photographs, their diverse subject matter & the layout of many of the prayers on black & white "ghosts" of those photos, has caused this book to be written up in several photographic trade journals.
Love Like this: Poems
Some Bright Tomorrow Though trials surround me , all things are well , I'll trust in Jesus , His love I'll tell ; Nor will I question the way He planned , Some bright tomorrow I'll understand . Tears shall be ended , all pain shall ...
The Will and the Word: The Poetry of Edward Taylor
Tell Me Again, Lord, I Forget
Lord, Could You Hurry a Little?
Lord, Don't You Love Me Anymore?
'It's not the things that can be bought that are life's richest treasure It's just the little "heart gifts" that money cannot measure' Helen Steiner Rice pays tribute to the ordinary -- to day-to-day joys and disappointments, to a baby's ...
Feeding Fire: A Journey of the Heart
“ The Hound of Heaven , ” Thompson's best and most well - known poem , is one of the finest odes in English literature , in spite of its ornate language . In the poem a fugitive sinner seeks to escape God's relentless pursuit .