When little Miss Giggles looses her giggle, Mr. Happy takes her to see Mr. Funny, Mr. Topsy-Turvy, and Dr. Makeyouwell in order to make her feel better again.
Healing with Humour: A Laughter First Aid Kit
... 1950 by Sheed & Ward , Inc. , New York . Scripture quotations marked ( YLT ) are taken from Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible by Robert Young , 3d ed . Copyright © 1956 , reprint of the Edinburgh 1898 edition , Baker ...
Chill: 271 Tips, Practices and Secrets for Staying Healthy, Happy and Sane Under Pressure
Mama and Papa wonder what is making their puppies giggle so much ...
How to Laugh and Be Well
Dr. Dale L. Anderson speaks about Steve Kissell and Surviving Life with Laughter ... ... " Surviving Life with Laughteris a testimony and record of what all mankind should believe in and endorse each day to enhance personal ...
The emotional pain is so bad that you want to get in the boxing ring and go thirty rounds with you until there is a KO . However , letting go of fear and inviting love in can go along way , just as laughter does .
What Is Laughter
This is an advanced-level text, a valuable resource and reference work for practitioners of Laughter-for-Health, from beginners to the highest levels of experience.
"A good laugh. Laughter seems to offer more than a good feeling - it can actually improve our physical and mental health. That's right, laughter is easy, free, fun, and good for your health." -- Back cover.