Latin America Handbook 1994
South America
After new elections, held in September 1991, the old parties came back to office, although the Front had been relaunched as the Nieuw Front (New Front) following the addition to the coalition of the Surinaamse Partij Van de Arbeid ...
Handbook of Latin American Studies Cd-Rom 1936-1994
89.7 (from employers, 559; from employees, 33-6). Benefits paid totalled 60.6, and included: Sickness, 8:8; maternity, 2:8; disability, 24; survivors' pensions, 13. Health. In 1992–93 there were 13,353 doctors, 970 dentists, 9, ...
American Anthropologist 98 ( 2 ) : 338–351 . 1997 , Continuity or change ?: Vertical archipelagos in southern Peru during the early Colonial Period . In Approaches to the Historical Archaeology of Mexico , Central and South America ...
Discover Latin America.
3162 Chernick , Marc W. and Michael F. Jiménez . Popular liberalism , radical democracy , and Marxism : leftist politics in contemporary Colombia , 1974-1991 . ( in The Latin American left : from the fall of Allende to perestroika .
Toeristische informatie over India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka en de Malediven.
The Birds of South America: Volume 2: The Suboscine Passerines, Ridgely, R and Tudor, G. Due 1994. OUP. Birds of the World - A Check List, ... A Handbook to the Suwallows and Martins of the World, Turner, A. and Rose, C. 1989. Helm.