In this important and original book, J. Richard Piper provides the most comprehensive examination to date of the profound impact of ideological prescriptions on twentieth century American politics. Piper analyzes the institutional and constitutional developments associated with the American conservative-liberal paradigm from the New Deal to the present, focusing on constitutional jurisprudence, presidential-congressional relations, the role of the judiciary, federalism, and the administrative state. Concluding that America's competing constitutional philosophies frequently serve not as ends in themselves but as instruments for attaining power and policy goals, Piper raises significant questions about the future of the conservative-liberal dichotomy that has characterized American politics since the New Deal. Ideologies and Institutions is unique in its focus on institutional prescriptions and its integration and synthesis of extensive history, political science, and sociology literature. Anyone interested in constitutional issues, political history, and the distinctions between the liberal and conservative philosophies will find Ideologies and Institutions valuable.
Institutions succeed if they rise above petty power politics and fail when they succumb to political confrontations. In this book, Erik Voeten offers a new broader understanding of international institutions.
This volume brings together a distinguished international group of researchers to explore public speech in Republican Rome in its institutional and ideological contexts.
The authors of this volume point out that what is ordinarily termed the psychiatric hospital's "social structure" is principally derived from three sources: the number and kinds of professionals who work there; the treatment ideologies and ...
30 Isabel Tanaka-Van Daalen, “Dutch Attitudes towards Slavery and the Tardy Road to Abolition,” in Hideaki Suzuki (ed.), Abolitions as a Global Experience (Singapore: NUS Press, 2015), 88. 31 Leupp, Interracial Intimacy, 110–111.
This book focuses on how policymaking coalitions are formed and how political institutions mediate the pressure of rival coalitions.
Voeten also examines populism’s rise and other ideological threats to the liberal international order. Ideology and International Institutions explores the essential ways in which ideological contestation has influenced world politics.
London: Heinemann Educational Books. Scott, R. W., Ruef, M., Mendel, P., & Caronna, C. (2000). Institutional change and healthcare organizations: From professional dominance to managed care. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Contributors in this edited collection argue that the radical view of the ‘impossibility of history’, as well as the unavoidable ideology of any history, are counter-productive points of departure for historical scholarship.
The authors of this volume point out that what is ordinarily termed the psychiatric hospital's "social structure" is principally derived from three sources: the number and kinds of professionals who work there; the treatment ideologies and ...
The authors in this volume seek to treat the modern history of the Balkans from a transnational and relational perspective in terms of shared and connected, as well as entangled, histories, transfers and crossings.