At a time when the institution of the presidency seems in a state of almost permanent crisis, it is particularly important to understand what sort of an institution the framers of the Constitution thought they were creating. Founding the American Presidency offers a first-hand view of the minds of the founders by bringing together extensive selections from the constitutional convention in Philadelphia as well as representative selections from the subsequent debates over ratification. Organized topically, the book focuses on those issues of executive power that most deeply concerned and often sharply divided the founders, including the electoral college and impeachment, the presidential term and reeligibility, the veto power and war powers, the power of appointment and the power of pardon. EllisO judicious selections mean that teachers and students no longer need to settle for the meager rations of a Federalist paper or two supplemented by a quick summary of the founders' thoughts before being fast-forwarded to the contemporary presidency. Pointed discussion questions provoke students to consider new perspectives on the presidency. Ideal for all courses on the presidency, the book is also important for all citizens who want to understand not only the past but the future of the American presidency.
For instance, Michael J. Gerhardt, author of The Federal Impeachment Process: A Constitutional and Historical ... “Removing a 'Disabled' President,” in Constitutional Cliffhangers (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012), 61–82. 152.
The Creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789: A Study in Constitutional History
Now widely regarded as the best available guide to the study of the Founding, the first edition of Interpreting the Founding provided summaries and analyses of the leading interpretive frameworks...
See Jill L. Curry and Irwin L. Morris, “Explaining Presidential Greatness: The Roles of Peace and Prosperity,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 40 (September 2010), 515-30. Another recent study, using the same crude dichotomous measure of ...
... the anti-administration coalition endorsed the ticket of Jackson for president and South Carolina's John C. Calhoun ... Those who supported Adams typically identified themselves either as the Adams party, the Administration party, ...
A masterful reassessment of presidential history, this book is essential reading for anyone trying to understand America's fraught political climate.
In The American President: A Complete History, historian Kathryn Moore presents a riveting narrative of each president's experiences in and out of office, along with illuminating facts and statistics about each administration, timelines of ...
Through comprehensive and in-depth coverage, this text looks at how the presidency has evolved in relation to the public, to Congress, to the Executive branch, and to the law, showing at every step how different aspects of the presidency ...
Arranged chronologically by president, the book examines the constitutional issues confronting each president in the context of the personalities driving historical events.The contributors illustrate the extensive powers of the American ...
By connecting presidential conduct to the defining eras of American history and the larger context of politics and government in the United States, this award-winning book offers perspective and insight on the limitations and possibilities ...