Jewelry has undergone an unprecedented revolution in recent decades. Personal adornment has always attracted wide interest, but since the 1960s jewelry has found fresh inspiration. Influences from other arts, the use of surprising materials and the desire to make an individual statement or even to tell a story, have all combined to create a new and exciting movement. The book has three essential elements. Firstly, an unrivalled display of the jewelry itself, making use of visually innovative special photography: hundreds of colour photographs provide a dazzling array of rich and imaginative work, as well as an unsurpassed reference document for contemporary jewelry. Secondly, an equally innovative critical history, tracing the first challenges to traditional forms of jewelry, but focusing on the inspired use of new materials, new processes, new tools and new ideas since 1960. And finally, an important reference section, including detailed biographies of over a hundred makers; an extended bibliography; and a comprehensive chronology of exhibitions and events held in public museums throughout the world. This book is an essential work of reference for collectors, artists, curators and students of twentieth-century art, craft and jewelry.
Informative guide to decorative beads from around the world. Listing of bead societies, organizations and publications. Quarto.
(19)宋·司马光:《资治通鉴·后晋纪一》(卷第二百八十),中国友谊出版公司,北京,第1509~1518页。(20)燕云十六州包括:幽州(今北京)、顺州(今北京顺义)、儒州(今北京延庆)、檀州(今北京密云)、蓟州(今天津蓟县)、涿州(今河北涿州)、瀛州(今河北河间)、莫州(今 ...
本书分为三个部分,第一部分主要介绍瑞丽翡翠交易市场与缅甸矿区;第二部分是翡翠的基础知识,重点讲解赌石秘籍,提高读者对翡翠的鉴赏能力;第三部分是作者亲历的与翡翠有 ...
In a broad-ranging and exceptional work of cultural and art history, Marcia Pointon explores what owning, wearing, distributing, and circulating gems and jewelry has meant in the post-Renaissance history of...
Since its inception 170 years ago, Tiffany & Co. has become synonymous with elegant, stylish design and alluring luxury, creating the world's most dazzling jewelry and decorative objects. Today, its...
An easy-to-use book that shows how anyone can learn to identify most of the gems and synthetics found in the marketplace. This practical book is essential reading for collectors, dealers,...
This magnificent book documents the trends, sources and makers of innovative 20th century designer jewelry in 13 European countries. The evolution of limited-edition artists' creations, as well as fashion and...