The experts at Southern Living magazine share their more than 30 years of horticultural experiences in this new title which focuses on annuals. More than 125 full-color photos provide an instant visual appreciation of the beauty of the flowers and plants as well as a straightforward text that gets right to the point.
With proper planning and soil preparation, almost any garden can become low maintenance.
A treasured resource for new and experienced gardeners alike, this perennial favorite delivers an entire year's worth of Southern gardening beauty and wisdom.
This softcover volume conveniently organizes the articles, diagrams, photographs, and checklists from the magazine in one easy-to-read, cross-indexed reference volume, providing a helpful guide to year-round gardening for the diverse ...
Step-by-step instructions for dozens of easy garden and landscape techniques to guarantee great results Details on over 100 of the best plants to grow in any Southern garden Functional, easy-to-read format that's both informative Design ...
Month-by-month organization, seasonal tips, and a monthly checklist combine with color photos and drawings to make this book an indispensable guide.
In honor of Southern Living's 50th anniversary, we present our best-ever collection of gardening ideas and advice, from growing information for top Southern plants to tours of the South's most beautiful gardens.
143 Ideas for Containers, Beds & Borders The Editors of Southern Living. PLANT ANNUALS Remove spent summer annuals, and replace them with pansies or other cool-weather annuals. For a good start, add a balanced slow-release fertilizer and ...
This book also shows how containers can be used around the home and garden to create unique boundaries, break up wall space, and soften edges.
"Alabama Gardener's Guide" offers state-specific information on the what, when, where, why and how of Alabama gardening rather than generic regional or national information other publications contain.
With more than 200 lists of plants grouped by their horticultural characteristics and uses in the garden, this is the one-of-a-kind guide to spending less time and money on your garden.