1012 jazz-melodier fra 1900 til i dag
B347 2016 306.3'62091724âdc23 201500.8438 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper randomhousebooks.com spiegelandgrau.com 24689753.1 first edition Book design by Simon M. Sullivan FOR MY MOTHER AND FATHER Felix qui ...
Books in Print
It includes a DVD with 46 Play Along audio tracks and a companion website, which hosts the workbook, ear training exercises, and audio tracks of the musical examples featured in the book.
A seminal work providing detailed information for ethnic and vernacular recordings from many countries on 78rpm, facilitating further research on a sadly neglected topic.
Dictionary of Arabic Loanwords in the Languages of Central and East Africa analyzes around 3000 Arabic loanwords in more than 50 languages in the area, and completes the work started in a previous similar work on West Africa.
Peterson's Master the SSAT & ISEE contains hundreds of practice questions, solid test-taking advice, and essential private secondary school information.
The Federal Theatre Project Collection: A Register of the Library of Congress Collection of U.S. Work Projects Administration Records on...
On the Vernam system, see Kahn, Codebreakers, 394â402. 110. Jonathan Sterne, MP3: The Meaning of a Format (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012), 78â88. In stressing the commercial origins of Shannon's theory, Sterne does not note ...
In his follow-up to the groundbreaking Maththatmatters, David Stocker gives us Maththatmatters2 a collection of 50 brilliant lessons for grades 6-9 that link mathematics and social justice.
Todd Tannenbaum , Derek Wright , Karen Miller , and Miron Livny Condor is a sophisticated and unique distributed job scheduler developed by the Condor research project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Computer ...