This three-volume text provides a comprehensive review and reference source for those with a teaching, research, or practical involvement in alcohol metabolism in humans. Written by 70 contributing authors from...
1971 Hindu Reddis 35 122.9 Schafer 1978 Mongoloids Chinese 15 136.6 Reed et al. 1976 Chinese 39 127.0 Hanna 1978 Mongoloids (mixed) 24 146.0 Ewing et al. 1974 Japanese 47 133.6 Hanna 1978 Japanese 68 119—138 Mizoi et al.
She quickly suggested that both she and Dr. Guiliana Muzio, also of Turin, help plan the meet ing. Each of our previous eight meetings was a unique experience for the participants.
The symposium was honored by the presence of Sir Hans Krebs, whose vast experience stimulated the discussion. It is a great pleasure to dedicate this volume to Sir Hans on the occasion of his 70th birthday on August 25th.
This valuable book, written by eminent researchers, focuses on the exciting developments in the field of alcohol metabolism and alcohol-endocrine interactions.
This volume covers the science of ALDH enzymes in relation to chronic disease processes and the future therapeutic potentials of targeting ALDH in these processes.
The quality and scope of the work are groundbreaking, and it is convenient to have it all in one source.
Human Metabolism with Enemata of Alcohol, Dextrose, and Levulose
The report revealed that nine million Americans are alcohol abusers and that alcoholic individuals represent almost 10 % of the nation's work force.
This is an important book for students, academics, policy-makers, and community health practitioners.