Regardless of their political persuasion, people want a return to values, a return to what really matters. But there's no going back to yesterday. Our hope lies in the New American Family--the family in all its various forms who are committed to God and to fighting the destructive forces so rampant in our nation. Falwell identifies present dangers and offers tangible steps to bring our families closer together.
The moving true story of two gay men who successfully fought for custody of a little boy suffering from the AIDS virus chronicles a 1997 case that changed the law about adoption in New Jersey. Reprint. 25,000 first printing.
An American Family shows us who Khizr Khan and millions of other American immigrants are, and why—especially in these tumultuous times—we must not be afraid to step forward for what we believe in when it matters most.
The remarkable number of women taking the daunting step of having children outside of marriage is explored in this account of this fast-growing phenomenon, revealing why middle-class women have taken an unorthodox approach to parenthood and ...
Brown, Jane Delano, Kim Walsh Childers, Karl E. Bauman, and Gary G. Koch. 1990. “The Influence of New Media and Family Structure on Young Adolescents' Television and Radio Use.” Communication Research 17(1):65–82.
Richard and Michael, both three years sober, have just decided to celebrate their love by moving in together when Richard—driven by the desire to do the right thing for his ten-year-old-daughter, Brady, whom he has never met—impulsively ...
... 56 organizations joined by, 53, 55, 322 payoff fee and, 250, 321 Pearson and, 250–51, 320–21 Robinson and, 41–42, ... 161, 165 U.S. neutrality and, 140–43, 145 World Youth Festival, 333 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 349 Wright, Richard, 75, ...
... is much higher than in the United States, with the prevalence in France being perhaps the highest (Heuveline and Timberlake 2004; Toulemon 1997).
Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Amy Ellis Nutt spent almost four years reporting this story and tells it with unflinching honesty, intimacy, and empathy.
Generations: An American Family
"For years, the Hungates and the Harrisons have coexisted peacefully in the same Long Island neighborhood, enjoying the pleasures and weathering the pitfalls of their suburban habitat.