Chapter Four The Bible * by Dr. Bruce L. Shelley IN A.D. 303 , when it was illegal to be a Christian , the Roman emperor Diocletian issued a decree that he hoped would extinguish the spreading flames of Christianity .
Wake Up Dead Man
These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions.
The Body of Christ: The Church : Based on the Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ's Mission Continues in the...
Theo Schneider hat schon Ende der sechziger Jahre mit dem Abräumen der Schutthalden begonnen . Aber die negative , klagende Note - bei Theologen so oft im Vordergrund -bestimmt keineswegs sein Vorgehen .
'We encounter God by listening to what he has revealed to us in Scripture and by responding to the work of his Son, as the gospel directs.
That isn't true . The life of only one disciple , who lives all of life by God's standards , can change an entire nation . DISCIPLESHIP CAN CHANGE SOCIETY The story of Nehemiah doesn't end with the completion of the wall .
In this timely book, William Madges and Michael Daley invite over forty authors and theologians to reflect on both the traditional and contemporary marks of the Church. (back cover).
»Pilgrims in the Port« offers Rotterdam as a laboratory for learning about migrant churches.
... break the power of the past 3. live in brokenness and vulnerability 4. receive the gift of limits 5. embrace grieving and loss 6. make incarnation your model for loving well David Garrison, Church Planting Movements (Midlothian, Va.