36 ) Timothy Smith writes about the church during periods of revival , “ Clergymen inspired the dominant social movement of the period , the crusade for humanitarian reform , at every stage . They were the principal arbiters of manners ...
During those weeks I had also been studying W. Bingham Hunter's The God Who Hears in my quiet time and trying to relate to God more as " Abba."11 As the lush harmonies of the strings playing Vaughan Williams ' music moved me to the ...
Looking at Sunday as a day set aside for God, in history and today.
Leslie Williams has written about life , love , even church , and other dangerous idols in her book on the seduction of the lesser gods . Even so - called good things can displace the Lord from being the center of our hearts .
Chapter 7 Making Sunday Special I f you live close enough to your godchild to have regular Sunday visits, do something with her that she particularly likes to do and keep it as a special treat for Sundays. If you live away from your ...
... Making Sunday Special (Waco, Tex., 1987); W. H. Marsh, The Presbyterian View Toward Sunday Theatricals in America (1958); M. Mason, “Making the Most of Sunday,” International Jour- nal of Religious Education 10/5 (1934): 23; ...
What makes Sunday so very special to a Catholic is the Eucharist. Who makes it, then, ... Sundays are special not only to you, but also to many other people who practice their faith. The priest is instrumental in making Sunday special.
Karen Burton Mains, Making Sunday Special (Bel Air, CA: Star Song Communications Group, 1987). 7. Juliet B. Schor, Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of 13 Seeking Sabbath: Keeping the Lord's Day in a Global Culture.
Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation Thomas Nelson Dorothy Kelley Patterson, Rhonda Kelley ... Trent C. Butler, ed., The Holman Bible Dictionary (Nashville, Tennessee: Holman Bible Publishers, 1991).
Karen Burton Mains, Making Sunday Special (Nashville: Word Books, 1987). Keri Wyatt Kent, Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 108. Marva J. Dawn, Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, ...
Imagine a hope-filled tour of the Bible with the most beloved devotional writer of our time.