'The voice of the cowed, betrayed and helpless sexually abused child speaks powerfully throughout this book.' British Journal of Psychiatry 'The way the book instils hope is inspiring' Journal of Social Work Practice
The Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse Workbook guides male and female survivors through a series of exercises, charts, and checklists aimed at recognizing, understanding, and working on the problems resulting from childhood sexual abuse.
Based on the experiences of hundreds of survivors & partners, this book profiles victims who share the challenges & triumphs of their personal healing processes.
In a reasoned and thoughtful approach, this book honestly addresses the complex issues in this important area of work, providing practical strategies valuable and new insights for counsellors.
This book will help you achieve these goals through leading clients to personal empowerment, self-compassion, and resourcefulness.
They have had to cope on their own, dealing with the aftermath of the abuse in whatever ways they could. This book offers ideas and techniques for understanding and healing, which adult survivors in particular may find useful.
This treatment manual presents a complete12 session program for treating survivors of child sexual abuse. It addresses issues of social isolation, intimacy and mistrust of others and how survivors can gain the support of others.
This book provides a framework for addressing the extended treatment needs of adult survivors of child sexual abuse.
. . . This is an important book, and our field is exceedingly lucky to have it." --from the Foreword by John N. Briere "With Transforming Trauma, Anna C. Salter establishes a milestone in the expanding consciousness of sexual victimization.
Dallam, S. J. (1997). Unsilent witness: Ralph Underwager and the FMSF. Treating Abuse Today, 7(1), 27–39. Dallam, S.J. (1998). The criminalization of psychotherapy. Treating Abuse Today, 8, 15–27. Dobbin, M. (1994, March 9).