Houses and Gardens of Cornwall: A Personal Choice
Cornish Castles, Gardens & Ancient Houses
Historic Houses, Castles & Gardens
Historic Houses Castles & Gardens features over 1200 sites throughout Britain and Ireland, including those administered by the National Trust, English Heritage, the Historic Houses Association and the National Trust for Scotland.
Historic Houses, Castles and Gardens
Established since 1954, this is the original title, and a best-seller for over 40 years now published by Johansens.
Irish Houses, Castles & Gardens: Open to the Public
Guide to over 1,300 historic properties open to the public.
Burton Hall Wmld. 56 Hilton Family (ancestral home) Destroyed by M. O. D. artillery range practice. in NE of Shire ... )(ofill repute) on E. side of Windermere Castle Dolorous / Lammerside / Lamerstead Castle Wmld. 37 Ex Wharton Family.
Historic Houses, Castles and Gardens Open to the Public: 1988