This report provides market intelligence on the top search firms and leading individual consultants. It also gives a ranking of executive recruiters - who they are, what they specialize in and how to work with them to locate the top talent in a given industry. The report is divided into four parts. The first gives an overview of the industry and discusses the main players. Part Two explains how to select a search firm, the optimum number of firms to use, whether to use a large multinational or a specialist boutique, and the growing market for pan-European of cross-border search. Part 3 reviews other services offered to clients and explores what role a search firm should play in helping clients to develop a European culture. This section is based on interviews with over 75 human resource directors and line managers of major multinationals. The last section presents a chapter for each country covered, each one including the top-ranking firms, corporate profiles and biographies of leading individual consultants.
European Networks in Executive Search and Selection
Executive Search in Central and Eastern Europe: Choosing and Using a Headhunter
How to Be Headhunted Across Europe: How to Make Yourself the Best Person for the Best Job ... in the...
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Talent--or the Job--You Need I have always been very impressed by Nancy Garrison-Jenn's knowledge and consider her the world's foremost expert on executive search.
Biography: Nick was previously Chairman of the International Technology Practice with Odgers Ray andBerndtson, ... and Human Capital consultancy, specialising in the high technology/telecommunications and management consultancy markets.
Europe Executive Search: Companies-Products-Services
In this book, the authors examine the key actors in the process of executive search globalization – leading global firms – and offer an interpretation of the forces producing the contemporary organizational strategies of global ...
Executive Search and the European Recruitment Market
2000; Finlay and Coverdill 2002; Jenn 2005) and detailed analyses of headhunting transnational firm-specific data sourced from ... Part five maps and traces the geographies of the worldwide office networks of Europe's leading sixteen ...
Key European Executive Search Firms and Their U.S. Links