本書極具匠心地選取了希臘最具代表性的112個旅遊景點,以圖文並茂的形式向讀者展現雅典、愛琴海、克里特、羅德島、伯羅奔尼撒、馬其頓、米克諾斯等希臘 112個最美景點的旅遊資訊,張張精美的圖片使讀者猶如身臨其境,篇篇精彩的文字説明使讀者深入瞭解希臘的地理與人文之美。 書中含有交通指南+食宿指導+路線介紹+景點詳解+效果欣賞+娛樂休閒+購物消費等,應有盡有,對個人遊、情侶遊、家庭遊、親子遊、老年遊等,不論自助或跟團,都是隨身、隨行的寶典,一冊在手,旅遊無憂。 註:本書內容為簡體中文
Packed with details and accurate descriptions of diverse trekking routes--the mountainous landscapes, ancient pathways, secluded beaches--this unique guide leads travelers away from the much-visited locations to the byways that will...
Το βιβλίο αυτό είναι ένας εγκυκλοπαιδικός ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός για το Νομό Ιωαννίνων. Συγκεκριμένα περιγράφει κάθε πόλη, κωμόπολη, χωριό, οικισμό, κ.ά. με αλφαβητική σειρά για διευκόλυνση και αναλυτικά, ώστε ο αναγνώστης...
The most comprehensive island-hopper's handbook. Detailed coverage of all the island groups from the Sporades to the remote outcrops of the Dodecanese. Listings of the best places to stay, eat...
Athos, the Holy Mountain
Greek Waters Pilot
Primitive Athens as Described by Thucydides
One of Greece's leading photographers, John Demos captures the spirit of the people. He pictures the traditional life of Greece. These are people who simply do what they have always...
A guide to the six Ionian islands and their satellites and mainland connections, from Corfu to Zakynthos. The guide includes extensive and critical appraisal of resorts, towns and beaches, with...