Both monastic rule and military manual, the Rule is a unique document and an important historical source.
This is the original, primitive rule of the Templars. It contains the rules and laws for life within their chivalric military order.
(Hall reports rumors of copies of the Ark being made in early times.) Later it was moved to Williamsburg: In 1676, the Ark and its treasure were secretly moved from the Jamestown Church and laid to rest in a ten-foot-square chamber, ...
These are the first Knights Templar, a band of elite warriors prepared to give their lives to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Wheeler , M.W. , A. Yates and N. Dols , Catalan : A Comprehensive Grammar , London and New York , 1999 . Secondary Works Barber , M.C. , The Origins of the Order of the Temple ' , Studia Monastica , 12 ( 1970 ) , 219–40 .
With a stunning new look in 2015, and with more new Rules than ever, get ready to experience the Rules effect.
Love . Some people know how to find it...Share it...Make it last. Were they born that way? No. They’ve learned the rules. Rules you can learn, too. The Rules of Love. Here they are: 100 simple rules to live and love by.
The author tells of the extraordinary organization of warrior-monks who came to power during the Crusades: their wealth and power, the reasons for their downfall, and their passage into myth and legend.
By the bloody fall of Acre in 1291, the Knights Templar had amassed a fortune rivaling the kings of Europe.
“I thought you were quoting from an Indiana Jones movie, the one that had Sean Connery in it.” Holliday looked at his watch. Five minutes left. Good timing. He stood up and brushed sand off his jeans. He'd been an utter fool.
In a narrative that incorporates the story of the crusades and the many colourful characters who had links with the Templars, Piers Paul Read examines the question of their guilt and identifies their relevance to our own times.