This is an historic opportunity to take stock of the past and see what lies in the future. This collection of essays assesses aspects of the Organisation's history, and what might lie ahead for it.
By examining the UN as an intergovernmental organization facing the broader need for global cooperation to address economic, social, and environmental interdependencies alongside the threats posed by rising nationalism and populism, this ...
This book offers insight into an organization whose work is often decried by critics, often ignored by political leaders, and often invisible to the world's public.
This popular text for courses on international organizations and international relations provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the United Nations, exploring the historical, institutional, and theoretical foundations of the ...
Adam Roberts, “NATO's 'Humanitarian War' over Kosovo,” Survival 41, no. 2 (1999): 106. 15. Alynna J. Lyon, “Beyond Rwanda and Kosovo: The Interactive Dynamics of International Peacekeeping and Ethnic Mobilization,” Global Society 19, ...
Sovereignty under Pressure : Humanitarian Intervention in the Post - Cold War World . ... The Ways of Power : Pattern and Meaning in World Politics . ... Presiding over a Divided World : Changing UN Roles , 1945-1993 . Boulder , Colo .
In January 2020, the United Nations launched the global consultation to mark its 75th anniversary.
Providing an accessible analysis, this book will be important to public health policy-makers and practitioners, business and community leaders, health advocates, educators and journalists.
On the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, the world has faced its biggest shared test since the Second World War in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
Olav Stokke traces this fascinating story and demonstrates the UN's essential role and its future challenges in aiding the least developed countries and the globe's billion poorest inhabitants.
Les bérets bleus de l'ONU : À travers 40 ans de conflit israéloarabe . Paris : Éditions France - Empire , 1988 . Leclercq , Claude . L'ONU et l'affaire du Congo . Paris : Payot , 1964 . Lee , John M. , Robert von Pagenhardt , and ...