Whatever discipline you ride, the secret in training horses eventually lies in the 'why'. Why do we ride 20-metre circles? Why do we perform shoulder-in? Without understanding a movement's purpose, it's of little use to the correct, systematic, physical and mental development of the horse. In this fantastically detailed and uniquely organised new book, Olympic multi-gold-medal-winner Isabell Werth helps demonstrate the 'what', 'how', and - most importantly - 'why' of over 100 dressage movements. She shows you how each should look, explains common mistakes and how to avoid them, and then describes the benefit of the exercise and how it contributes to the dressage training scale. In addition, emphasis is placed on the horse as an individual and how to customize movements and lessons to benefit any animal, with his particular physical and psychological characteristics in mind. Formatted as a practical and easy-to-follow reference, this fantastic book promises to take the mystery out of dressage schooling forever.
The training methods used in this book are based on the Classical Training Pyramid for horses - working up through rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion and straightness to collection.
Classical Riding with George H. Morris
Mark Rashid shares personal stories about events in his life that helped him on his journey to softness, as well as the stumbling blocks along the way.
Reflections on riding by one of the last great international riding masters, with an emphasis on lightness and harmony and reflecting a deep love and respect for the horse.
You can have a lot of fun learning about taking care of your Quarter Horse, and making sure they are well taken care of and have a nice clean place to live and much more! 1.
Horse training is more than just following how-to recipes. It involves understanding what you can do to get a horse to perform a particular way, then how to get him to perform that way consistently.
Punki Ponies: Trouble in the Dressage Ring
Training advice combining the everyday fundamentals of dressage with mutual listening skills.
"Renowned trainer John Lyons has a simple answer not only for why your horse misbehaves, but how you can fix the problem in a common sense, step-by-step manner"--Page 4 of cover.
"This is a book about connections within equitation libraries of interwoven reading and practice.