Fish and fishery products represent major sources of protein and other nutrients for a large proportion of the world's population. They are also used to a significant extent in animal feeds. This book, written by authors from Europe, the USA and Canada, provides an overview of the chemistry, nutritive value, hygiene and preservation of fish and its products. Thus there are chapters on the composition and nutritive value of fish proteins and other nitrogenous compounds, of fish and shellfish lipids and of fish vitamins and minerals. These are followed by chapters on quality and deterioration, hygienic aspects and contaminants. Cooling and freezing, the most important methods for extending the shelf-life of fish, are then reviewed. Preserved fishery products, including dried, salted, smoked and canned fish are discussed before the final chapter on fish meal and oil, which are shown to be more than just by-products. The book is aimed at advanced students of food science and of human and animal nutrition, as well as professionals such as food inspectors.