The domestication of wheat, a major source of energy, protein, and dietary fiber, has allowed for the sufficient production of food to support community settlement, cultural development and population growth more than any other plant worldwide. This book comprehensively describes wheat production and use, dedicating a large part to advice and discussion concerning the establishment, management, and harvesting of a successful crop, including the control of disease and the use of wheat as forage. Presenting examples from throughout the world, the book discusses research on the impact of the environment on the quality of grain and examines the challenges facing growers and wheat researchers in different geographical regions. This book is essential reading for all agronomy lecturers and students. By bringing together recent research and practice it is also a valuable resource for researchers and advisors in this area, including plant breeders, agronomists, and pathologists.
Wheat in perspective; Breeding and genetics; production; Harvest, handling and sotrage; Marketing; Quality; Kernel structure and composition; Proteins: composition of wheat; Carbhoydrate; Flour milling; Baking industry.
This book will explain the basis of wheat grain quality requirements for different world markets and relate these to methods of production.
... Proceedings of the Wisconsin Fertilizer , Aglime , and Pest Management Conference , Madison , WI , 24 , 49-54 . Brinkman , M.A. and Forsberg , R.A. ( 1988 ) Oats ... Proceedings of the Second International Oats Conference , References 245.
Each paper was presented by an acknowledged international expert. This book provides a more permanent record of the papers presented at the symposium.
Drought stress greatly affects plant growth, gene expression, distribution, yield and quality of crop in arid and semiarid areas around the world [19]. About 60% of crop production around the world is from arid and semiarid regions.
Journal of Agricultural Science 151: 1–5. Sanchez-Garcia, M. and Bentley, A.R. (2019). Global journeys of adaptive wheat genes. In: Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals (eds.
[12] Hoseney RC, Wade P, Finley JW. Soft wheat products. In: Pomeranz Y, editor. Wheat—chemistry and technology, vol. 2. ... In: Fahad S, Basir A, Adnan M, editors. Global wheat production. London: InTechOpen; 2018. p. 115–32.
Potential and limits of whole genome prediction of resistance to Fusarium head blight and Septoria tritici blotch in a ... Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128, 2471e2481. ... In: Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals.
The Production and Utilization of Wheat in Scotland
This new book meets the need for a comprehensive, up-to-date review of wheat chemistry, processing and uses.