Concern for animal welfare has recently increased and continues to increase in many countries. The topic is now an established part of the curriculum for students of agriculture and veterinary medicine, among others. This book is a response to this growing interest and the need for consolidated literature on the subject. It brings together diverse approaches to the subject, from philosophy through scientific study and measurement, to the implementation of practical solutions to real problems. The contents combine selected readings with critical commentaries from experts in different fields. Thus most chapters are reviews built around key sources, rather than articles with references in support. While more information is available on farm animals than on other groups, the principles are equally applicable to all animals. Written by leading authors from Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, the book is aimed at a wide readership, including students, research workers and interested professional and lay people in animal science, veterinary medicine, applied zoology and psychology.
Beyond even these specific policy questions, this book asks what sort of liberalism is suitable for the challenges of the twenty-first century.
This book is edited by an outstanding world expert on animal welfare, it emphasizes throughout the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare, such as lameness, heat stress, body condition, and bruises during transport.The ...
Larry Carbone provides a balanced and reasonable advocacy of animal rights, looking at how to ethically and responsibly conduct biomedical and behavioural research that respects the rights and welfare of all subjects including animals.
Looks at animal welfare in society and the sciences, including laboratory animals, pets, and the effect of climate change.
... abuse are more likely to be used during training and racing than at sanctioned Quarter Horse or ... use is regulated at traditional racing venues, but not on bush tracks, where over-zealous whipping is common, even though it does not ...
What happens behind the doors of the animal shelter? This book will introduce the reader to the work culture of animal shelter employees, volunteers, activists, educators, and pets.
The Blue Book consolidates into one source the AWA and the applicable regulations and standards. These regulations must be followed by those responsible for the care and handling of animals, including farmers.
China's bear farming, in the eyes of animal protectionists around the world, is the most ethically questionable of all commercial wildlife farming operations.4 Jill Robinson, founder of the Hong Kong-based ...
Id. at 537 (Willis, J.). 43. Callaghan v. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 16 L.R. Ir. 325, 330 (C.P.D. 1885) (Morris, C.J) (quoting Murphy v. Manning, 2 Ex. D. 307, 314 [1877]). 44. Id. at 332–33 (Harrison, J.). 45.
This book provides a provocative overview of the many different perspectives on the issues of animal rights and animal welfare in an easy-to-use encyclopedic format.