Fed up with the rat race? Tired of working long hours, travelling long distances and missing out on the important things in life? Downshift examines the options available to those who seek to redress the balance between work and life. From job-sharing and flexible hours to a more radical reassessment of your whole career, the book looks at the financial and practical implications of each choice. How will a new lifestyle affect your income and outgoings, savings, tax position, pension, and prospects? Can you afford to work fewer hours? Could you get by on less? The book explains the likely trade-offs, risks and rewards. Recognising that every individual has different requirements, the book avoids prescriptive solutions. It combines case studies with self-assessment exercises, suggesting a range of choices and pointing readers towards useful sources of further information. Topics covered include changing your job or career, taking a career break or sabbatical, working part-time or from home, telecommuting and job-sharing, becoming successfully self-employed, pension planning and the implications of early retirement, managing your finances and property to maximise your assets plus low
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Pacer Share Productivity and Personnel Management Demonstration: Third Year Evaluation
Nicht nur Lehrerinnen und Lehrer selbst haben ein Interesse daran, mit Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Arbeitszufriedenheit durch das Berufsleben zu gehen.
Condiciones de Trabajo Y Salud Docente: Estudios de Casos en Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, México, Perú Y Uruguay
Workcare: A Resource Guide for the Working Person
Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard.
Get Unstuck & Get Going: --On the Stuff That Matters