... social as well as economic significance , and the distinctions drawn by Karl Polanyi and his collaborators between reciprocity , redistribution and market exchange ( Polanyi , Arensberg and Pearson 1957 ) have been widely followed .
Problems European Prehistory
Ernährungsgeschichte - Holozän - Klimageschichte.
Case Studies in European Prehistory
In this new edition of his Very Short Introduction, Chris Gosden explores the current theories on the ebb and flow of human cultural variety.
The more glaring inconsistencies in the old theory are re-examined and Professor Renfrew shows convincingly how the baffling monuments of prehistoric Europe, like Stonehenge, could have been built without recourse to help from the 'more ...
A. Richard Diebold, Jr.: Linguistic Ways to Prehistory; Winfred P. Lehmann: Linguistic and Archaeological Data for Handbooks of Proto-Languages; János Nemeskéri and László Szathmáry: An Anthropological Evaluation of the IE...
Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean; Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory: Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on...
Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean: Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory
examples like those at Ballynahatty (Hartwell 1998), Armalughey (Carlin 2018, 137–44), and Machrie Moor (Haggarty 1991). The first of these was inside a palisaded enclosure, but the others were freestanding (Fig. 20).
Many of the larger sites are reminiscent of the situation first described by Sturdy ( 1972 , 1975 ) in Germany , where Magdalenian reindeer sites are optimally located to make use of topographic barriers as aids in the prediction and ...