The two authors of this work analyze the case of post-colonial Kenya under Kenyatta and Moi and show how, in spite of a multi-party system, the ruling elite has kept power and wealth to itself.
This volume contains electoral studies of multiparty politics in 14 African countries during the 1990s. Most are about national elections in Anglophone Africa. There are also less well-known examples from...
Kenyans' recent electoral successes, the book concludes, have empowered them and reinvigorated the prospects for democracy, heralding a more autonomous and peaceful twenty-first century.
Towards Multiparty Politics in Tanzania: A Spectrum of the Current Opposition and the CCM Response
First published in 1998, This book is written by seasoned scholars of African Studies and it intended to make a significant contribution to the debate on democracy and democratization in the continent.
This book discusses Kenya’s transition from authoritarianism to more democratic forms of politics and its impact on Kenya’s multi-ethnic society.
Women Participation in Party Politics During the Multiparty Era in Africa: The Case of Tanzania
The Cost of Peace: Views of Political Parties on the Transition to Multiparty Democracy
This important book goes some way to filling that vacuum. The authors document, analyse and explain various aspects of the coalition process as it has played itself out in Kenya,...
New York : Monthly Review Press , 1979 . Wallerstein , Immanuel . “ The Decline of the Party in Single - Party African States . ” In Political Parties and Political Development , edited by Joseph LaPalombara and Myron Weiner , pp .
And how does this balance affect the policies leaders propose - and implement - if elected? This book examines the logic of electoral competition and policymaking in the context of Kenya's emerging multiparty democracy.