A comprehensive description and novel interpretation of events in Sierra Leone.
The United Nations' presence in Sierra Leone has made that country a subject of international attention to an unprecedented degree. Once identified as a source of `the New Barbarism', it...
Conteh-Morgan and Dixon-Fyle, Sierra Leone at the End of the Twentieth Century, 41. The paramount chiefs, in the long run retained ... David Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone, (New York: Palgrave Publishers, 2005), 14-15.
... 165, 169 Nigeria 116–17, 140, 143n43 Nixon, Richard M. 242 Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) 34, 52, 54,66, 71n22, ... 128–9 Noble, Peter 160, 169 Noriega, Manuel 4, 195 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 3, 6 O'Callaghan, ...
This book offers a bold, ground-breaking epistemological critique of the dominant discourses on African conflicts.
This book conceptualizes integration and conflict as interrelated dimensions of social interaction impacted by specific historical experiences.
Albala-Bertrand, José Miguel. 2000. What is a 'Complex Humanitarian Emergency'? An Analytical Essay.Working Paper no. 420, Dept. of Economics, Queen Mary, University of London. Ali, Rabia and Lawrence Lifschultz. 1994. 'Why Bosnia?
20 Smillie et al., heart of the Matter; Rupert, “Diamond hunters Fuel Africa's Brutal Wars”; Junger, “The Terror of Sierra Leone.” 21 Reno, Warlord Politics and African States, 126; Keen, Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone.
Keen investigates why conflicts are so prevalent and so intractable, even when one side has much greater military resources.
Accountability and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone K. Ainley, R. Friedman, C. Mahony ... 46, 65, 79; D. Keen (2005) Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone (Oxford: James Curry), p. 25. TRC Report, Vol. 2, p. 79.
... note that he drove a wedge into Krio politics.52 Much speculation and notions of balancing of the Colony and Pro- tectorate gave way in 1947 to the Stevenson Constitution propagated by Governor Sir Hubert Stevenson (1941–47).