Organic Reactions at Advanced Level: (a Student Guide for Laboratory Exercises in Obseration and Deduction)
The book's award-winning authors begin each chapter with a story and photo of how analytic chemistry is applied in industry, medicine, and all the sciences.
The Principles of Quantitative Mass Spectrometry
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
G Duflos, VM Coin, M Cornu, J-F Antinelli & P Malle, J Sci Food Agric 86 (2006) 600 P Simko, J Chromatogr B 770 (2002) 3 A Gramza & J Korczak, Trends Food Sci Technol 16 (2005) 351 A Go ́mez-Hens & MP Aguilar-Caballos, Trends Anal Chem ...
Optimale Strategien in der Analytik
Mass Spectrometry
FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, EIGHTH EDITION is known for its readability combined with a systematic, rigorous approach that characterizes this classic text.
This Cengage Technology Edition is the result of an innovative and collaborative development process.