David Simmonds' book focuses on the blend between theory and practice. It will not be (merely) a ⬠̃how-toâ¬" set of checklists for operational practitioners, nor (just) an academic review of the literature for strategic managers. Instead, each chapter will specifically combine the relevant thinking with appropriate real-life evidence, through the use of pedagogical features.
After reading this book you will be able to answer the three most critical questions facing any training professional: What content should be included? How should the material be taught and delivered?
"a great read with many, many interesting and useful tips" This book sets out exactly how to take any material and turn it into lively, engaging and effective training.
Now in its third edition, The Group Trainer's Handbook is a condensed source of practical advice for anyone involved in group training.
This comprehensive companion volume to the bestselling ASTD Training and Development Handbook (Craig, ed.) helps trainers design classroom, self-study, or technology-based training programs.
This book will help both new and experienced trainers design and develop training programs that achieve results for both individuals and their organizations while meeting the challenges of today's fast-paced, rapidly changing learning ...
Written by accelerated learning guru Dave Meier, the book explains an innovative, rapid instructional design methodology and presents hundreds of practical techniques and ideas to speed training time and reduce costs, while significantly ...
Just as you can lead a horse to water, but it won't necessarily drink, so you can give an employee training, but he may not actually learn...unless, of course, the trainer uses this insightful new book.
This workbook and the accompanying online resources provide a one-stop reference manual to designing and delivering a successful training course.
With case studies from the public, private and voluntary sectors as well as examples of international practice, the book helps to identify some of the challenges L&D professionals face in a range of environments.
and continues through to the design and delivery of the training course itself ( see Figure 1.1 on page 3 ) . It is the function of evaluation to assess whether the learning objectives originally identified have been satisfied and any ...