The Missing Headlines: Selected Speeches

The Missing Headlines: Selected Speeches
Political Science
Liverpool University Press
Emeka Anyaoku


Chief Emeka Anyaoku, third Commonwealth Secretary-General and the first African holder of the office, has immense international experience and commands wide international respect, having been a key player in world diplomacy. Emeka Anyaoku has a long involvement with the Commonwealth, having been Assistant Director, and then Director of International Affairs (1966-75); Assistant Secretary-General (1975-77); and Deputy Secretary-General (1978-83 and 1984-89). His first elected term as Secretary-General began in 1990. This selection of insightful and inspirational speeches, mainly from Anyaoku's first period of office (1990-95), on major world events and themes highlights the role he has played in world affairs. It also shows the often unrecognized strength and influence of the Commonwealth in altering the course of history for the improvement of the lot and condition of mankind-particularly where deep deprivation and absence of basic human rights are involved. Emeka Anyaoku's selected speechesare grouped into a series of themes: The Changing Commonwealth; Democracy; The Commonwealth and the Making of the New South Africa; Sustainable Development; Development and Democracy in Africa; Nigeria in Transition; Peace and Security in a Pluralistic World; Toward a Common Humanity. In a context-setting introduction, Chief Anyaoku explains the choice of speeches, drawing out common threads. He also has a word about the title of the book, which reflects the "missing headlines", the often unreported aspects of the Commonwealth's work. This book will, Anyaoku hopes, 'reveal some of these "missing headlines" and encourage greater public debate on the work of the Commonwealth. As we enter the newmillennium, this book offers a major insight into key issues and emerging international concerns.

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