Since its first publication in 1987, Twentieth Century Type Designers has become a standard reference work for typographers, designers and students alike. This new edition includes an examination of the latest technological developments in the design and composition of type, and introduces the work of some of the more recent designers to have made their mark this century.Although the skeleton shapes of the letters of our alphabet hardly change, many skilled type designers have devoted much time, sometimes their whole lives, to drawing different versions of the outlines. This book serves as an introduction to the concept of typefaces and to some of the personalities who have created them - Goudy, Rogers, Koch, Gill, Morison, Van Krimpen, Trump, Tschichold, Frutiger, and Zapf - and places them in the context of the enormous changes that have occurred this century in the methods of creating and setting type.A new generation of typographers working in the latter half of this century, such as Matthew Carter, Sumner Stone and others, are now profiled. Working with entirely different tools from their predecessors, they reflect the new typography in varying degrees.The introduction in the 1880s of the Linotype and Monotype hot-metal composing machines, and in particular the Benton pantographic punchcutter, revolutionized the manufacture of type, and caused a flood of new typefaces. More recently, filmsetting and digital typesetting have brought new opportunities - as well as new disciplines. This book examines the conflicts arising from these technological advances, which have pitted craftsmanship against commercial interests, and forced designers to come to terms with the new creative opportunities.Whatever motivates type designers - whether it is in the practical need to create new faces for machines, the ideal of producing the perfect letter-form for our age, or whether type is designed as an offshoot of other artistic activities - their work has had a far-reaching impact on our culture.
設計的心理學: 人性化的產品設計如何改變世界
如著名的“马一角”和“夏半边”。马远绘画下笔遒劲严谨,设色清润,山石以带水笔作大斧劈皴,方硬有棱角,树叶有夹笔,树干用焦墨,多横斜曲折之态,阁楼大都用界尺,而加衬染,多作“一角”“半边”之景,构图别具一格,有“马一角”之称。夏圭绘画简劲苍老而墨气明润, ...
(25)廣告商斯塔希斯·喬治艾迪斯(Stathis Georgiadis)給他的廣告公司取名為英化的「ΜΠΙΖΝΕΣ」(Mpiznes)[商務]。他覺得這個名稱富有創新意識,現代。該公司沒有像其他戰前機構那樣,大多採用希臘語命名。
本_共由十一篇文章_成,全部_自美_麻省理工_院(MIT)出版社出版的《____》(Design Issues)_志。__志是____研究_域的_威__刊物,主要刊___的_史、理_和批_方面的研究_文和案例,在___ ...
《产品设计可装配性技术》从产品设计总体出发,针对产品装配中的工艺规划、手工装配、自动装配以及装配中的连接方法等进行了详细的分析;对产品设计中应当考虑的与装配工艺 ...
亞馬遜網路書店「年度商業創業類」暢銷書 讀者評為「任何想使用設計思維的人都無法忽略的一本書」 跟著史丹佛大學教授、「設計思考」創始人賴利.萊佛一起玩轉設計思考, ...
妇人不织,禽兽之皮足也”的类似说法。我国是丝织物的发源地,传说是嫘祖把养蚕缫丝的技术传授给人类。除了蚕丝,当时用作纺织的材料还有麻、葛、苎等植物纤维。我国利用植物纤维制作成纺织品,应该是新石器时期的事情。从河姆渡等新石器遗址中,不仅出土有许多 ...
標價 1500 美元一雙的 Lucehese 牌女靴,用皮極為考究,全部用一歲半左右的小牛皮的肩胛部分製成。製成一雙靴,往往要耗掉數張整牛皮,而且全部用手工縫製而成,精細無比,堪稱女靴中的極品。從消費傾向來看,80 年代以後已進入形象消費的時代,消費者的需求發生 ...
《____》(Design Issues)由美_麻省理工_院(MIT)出版社授_翻_。Design Issues是____研究_域的著名__刊物,主要刊___的_史、理_和批_方面的研究_文和案例,在___域具有很大的影_力。本___ ...
戴爾.多爾第(Dale Dougherty)是一系列暢銷軟體指南的出版商,在他於二〇〇五年發行《 M a k e 》雜誌之後,「自造者」一詞成主流。《自造者人權宣言》(The Maker's BillofRights)裡包含了「要螺絲不要膠水」(scr e w snot glues)這一類的口號, ...