This widely acclaimed book, first published in 1974, was a classic from its first day in print. Written in a direct, inviting way by Harry Braverman, whose years as an industrial worker gave him rich personal insight into work, Labor and Monopoly Capital overturned the reigning ideologies of academic sociology. This new edition features an introduction by John Bellamy Foster that sets the work in historical and theoretical context, as well as two rare articles by Braverman, "The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century" (1975) and "Two Comments" (1976), that add much to our understanding of the book.
Divisions of Labour in North-west England
Divisions of Labour Re-visited: Greater Manchester, 1990
Health and the Division of Labour
Arbeit für Alle - Vision oder Illusion ? Marburg : Metropolis . PIORE , M.J. ( 1987 ) . Historical Perspectives and the Interpretation of Unemployment . Journal of Economic Literature 25 , 1834-1850 . ROTHSCHILD , K.W. ( 1988 ) ...
Marx, Method, and the Division of Labor
Successful Team Building: How to Create Teams that Really Work
The Division of Labor in Society
Trading Places: How to Reverse Roles Without Falling Out, Giving Up Or Going Grey
The Wealth of Nations : Books 1 - 3 written by legendary author Adam Smith is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time.
Fordism and Post-Fordism: A Critical Reformulation