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Recent trends in Instrumentation and Control (RTIC) is a national conference organized by the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, MIT campus, Anna University Chennai.
Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Electronics. 5-6 October 2016, held at Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Delhi, India
... instruments that are fabricated on or with the structure . These examples of aerospace heat flux instruments join parallel developments in the measurement of heat transfer in rotating machinery . 2.3.2 . Problem Areas . The development ...
This volume provides a collection of specialized sensing and signal processing techniques not easily found in related books. Each chapter lucidly presents brief background material, principles, and techniques.
This book is written for academic and industry professionals working in the field of sensing, instrumentation and related fields, and is positioned to give a snapshot of the current state of the art in sensing technology, particularly from ...
Foundations of Modern EPR. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 469–481. He, G., Shankar, R. A., Chzhan, M., Samoulinlov, A., Kuppusamy, P., Zweier, J. L. (1999). Noninvasive measurement of anatomical structure and intraluminal oxygenation ...
... instrumentation [ 2 ] . The paper highlights the potential of this instrumentation to obtain the vital information about the dynamic behaviour of the bladed disc . This has been done through extensive experimentation on two prototype ...
9.12.1 Bubble Oxygenators In this method, blood is kept in a vertical column and the oxygen is bubbled through the column of blood. The function of bubble oxygenator may be separated into two major components. One is the oxygen bubbled ...
... II.D.5. UNCTAD. FDI in Least Developed Countries at a glance: 2001 (Geneva ... Trends and Prospects (New York, 19XK). 630 pages (A, C, E. F, R. S). Sales ... Instruments: A Compendium.
Measurement & Instrumentation