Tom Valenta tells the story of his two grandsons and discovers that people living with cystic fibrosis and their families are very special people. Their ability to overcome hardships, endure pain and laugh at adversity is inspirational.
More than 30 poems that reflect the frustration, faith and hope of Jenny as she struggles to make sense of her illness.
It was vital that I make Michael believe that I believed , with all my heart , that he had a long life to live . In order to do that , I had to believe it too . What I believed was that he would make it through this current crisis and ...
Doctors Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman studied the high - level executives who came to them with coronary problems and concluded that their highpressured lifestyles time - pressured , competitive , hostilityinducing - had a lot to do ...
Glenn FB : Immunity conveyed by a fluoride supplement during pregnancy , J Dent Child 44 : 391-395 , 1977 . 13. Glenn FB , Glenn WD III , Duncan RC : Fluoride tablet supplementation during pregnancy for caries immunity : a study of the ...
The Land of Walking Trees is for people who live with chronic illness or suffering. It is a book for people who are familiar with the sometimes unwelcome feelings of darkness and anxiety, of hope and fear, of disappointment and anger.
Why We're Not Benefit Scroungers explores the facts about the benefits system for chronically ill or disabled people.
THE CAREBOOK: A WORKBOOK FOR CAREGIVER PEACE OF MIND is designed for the family caregivers of the chronically ill (e.g. AIDS, Alzheimer's, Cancer). It is a fill-in-the-blank style workbook.
This paper describes a co-ordinated service delivery model - the 'house of care' - that aims to deliver proactive, holistic and patient-centred care for people with long-term conditions.
The COPD Medical Diary: 365 Days of Better Breathing
... Niets te verliezen en toch bang heet . Niets te verliezen ... het lot moet even gegiecheld hebben . De wetenschap houdt het voorlopig op het toeval dat zich immers nergens iets van aantrekt . Zelf heb ik lange tijd gedacht dat het ene ...