... 109 Cuculus canorus , 106-9 Cuttlefish , 143 Cyanea , 57 Hamadryad baboon , 120 , 120 , 121 , 122-3 Hamadryad ( king cobra ) , 38 Hammerhead shark , 53 , 144 Harp seal , 112 Hawk - moth : European eyed , 136 pine , 137 Heliactin ...
The 11th edition of Zoology continues to offer students an introductory general zoology text that is manageable in size and adaptable to a variety of course formats.
Annotated references Applegate , V. C. , and J. W. Moffett . 1955. The sea lamprey . Sci . Amer . 192 : 36 ( April ) . An account of the life history of this lamprey and the destruction it has wrought on the game fish of the Great Lakes ...
A superb fossil cache contain many fossil fishes . Millot , J. , 1955 , " The coelacanth , " 193 : 34-39 ( Dec. ) . an Agnathans Applegate , V.C. , and J.W. Moffett , 1955 , " The sea lamprey , " 192 : 36-41 ( Apr. ) .
This best-selling, comprehensive text is suitable for one- or two-semester courses. Integrated Principles of Zoology is considered the standard by which other texts are measured.
This best-selling, comprehensive text is suitable for one- or two-semester courses. Integrated Principles of Zoology is considered the standard by which other texts are measured.
Biology of Animals
These are the types of awe-inspiring examples in Integrative Animal Biology that will bring students into a world of wonder.
Let's Look at Animals
Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom
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