Lavender is one of the most beloved herbs in the garden. Its vivid shades from sun-soaked indigo to subtly tinged violet-white; its wonderfully heady and unmistakable aroma; its powers to soothe, to heal and delight all the senses - all contribute to its pre-eminent position in the herb garden. Tessa Evelegh explores the full possibilities of this prized and beloved herb within this inspirational book. Because lavender dries so well, retaining much of its vibrancy and all of its scent, it can be used all year round. Gorgeous ideas include a wire heart for the wardrobe, Shaker sachets for linen chests, a wall hanging, a lavender scrub mitt for the bath and an Elizabethan pomander. Illustrated with fabulous photographs, this stunning book is a unique evocation of one of our most beautiful plants: one that has been loved for centuries, carried and cultivated around the world, and prized for its unique properties and enchanting aromatic powers.
Florists' Review Design School
家庭花艺: 实用家庭插花
An illustrated history of flower design at the White House from 1960 to the present showcases arrangements created for a variety of state and other events and provides instructions for creating arrangements at home.
Floral designs for weddings, includes DVD.
An introduction to floral arrangement and design using vases, containers, foam, and other accessories with designs for every week of the year.
The photographer's work has featured in magazines such as 'Rolling Stone' and 'Life'. His other publications include 'Zoo'.
Growing and using in the home and garden: practical inspirations for natural gifts, recipes and decorative displays
The essentials of the authors flower school program in London are offered in an illustrated guide that features step-by-step instructions, clearly defined photographs, original ideas, and invaluable techniques for flower arrangers of any ...
The essential 'how to' manual for everyone interested in floral art. This book will inspire you throughout the year with design ideas and provides a useful reference of many of the flowers and foliage that are available.