This accessible introductory text addresses the core knowledge domain of biological psychology, with focused coverage of the central concepts, research and debates in this key area. Biological Psychology outlines the importance and purpose of the biological approach and contextualises it with other perspectives in psychology, emphasizing the interaction between biology and the environment. Learning features including case studies, review questions and assignments are provided to aid students' understanding and promote a critical approach. Extended critical thinking and skill-builder activities develop the reader's higher-level academic skills.
This Cengage Technology Edition is the result of an innovative and collaborative development process.
This text encourages students to view science as an ongoing process of discovery and revision, rather than a static collection of facts. The brain development orientation of Biological Psychology 2/e...
Gabrieli , J. D. , Cohen , N. J. , & Corkin , S. ( 1988 ) . ... Gandour , J. , Larsen , J. , Dechongkit , S. , Ponglorpisit , S. , & Khunadorn , F. ( 1995 ) . ... In M. S. Gazzaniga ( Ed . ) , The cognitive neurosciences ( pp .
For sophomore/senior-level courses in Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, Biological Psychology, Brain and Behavior, Psychobiology, or Physiological Psychology. Bringing the study of Biological Psychology to life with beautiful full color graphics, chapter-opening...
The functions of the nervous system are explained and implications for health are explored. Throughout the book, Jim Barnes encourages students to evaluate essential concepts and theoretical issues.
Introduction to Biological Psychology
See also: autoshaping; schedules of reinforcement Reference Domjan M. (1993) Domjan and Burkhard's The Principles of Learning and Behavior, revised by M. Domjan, Brooks/Cole Publishing: Pacific Grove CA. shell (nucleus accumbens) see ...
Biological Psychology
The Essential Psychology Series bridges the gap between simple introductory texts aimed at pre-university students and higher level textbooks for upper level undergraduates.