For new students the language and concepts of midwifery care can at first be daunting. This book helps students to understand the expectations of midwifery training in relation to normal midwifery practice. It covers the basics of midwifery care including professional practice, frameworks informing midwifery care, key concepts and philosophies of care, communication and care skills, antenatal care, normal labour and birth, postnatal care, neonatal care and breastfeeding, as well as a brief introduction to medicines management in normal midwifery care. The book is designed to work alongside first taught modules in midwifery, and underpin training in subsequent years.
British Medical Journal 317:125–128 Duggan JM 1997 The Australian healthcare system: John Hunter's long shadow. Medical Journal of Australia 167(9):481–483 Eisenberg L 2001 Good technical outcome, poor service experience: a verdict on ...
Beecher Bryant, H. (2011) The Experience of Midwives Report. London: Maternity Action. BHIVA (2014) British HIV Association guidelines for the management of HIV infection in pregnant women 2012 (2014 interim review).
Clarke, N. M. P., Reading, I. C., Corbin, C., Taylor, C. C., & Bochmann T. (2012). ... Evaluation of primary care 6to 8-week hip check for diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip: A 15-year observational cohort study.
This book deals with the central theme of freedom to practise midwifery in selected countries of the world. Each chapter has a separate author who has specific knowledge of the country for that chapter either as a citizen or researcher.
J Adv Nurs. 2004;46(3):319–330. Ockenden J. After the birth is over ... rest and support for the new mothers. Pract Midwife. 2000;3(11):10. Phipps F. Pain in the early puerperium. In: Wickham S, ed. Midwifery: Best Practice. Vol 2.
Public Health 117: 63–66 Howie P W, Forsyth J S, Ogston S A et al 1990 Protective effects of breastfeeding against infection. British Medical Journal 300: 11–16 Kennedy P, Murphy-Lawless J 2001 The maternity care needs of refugee and ...
Community Midwifery Practice is the first text specifically tailored to meet the needs of community midwives, providing a practical, skills-based guide to improving and underpinning their day-to-day practice with an emphasis on ‘normal’ ...
Each student prior to being admitted to the profession must have achieved the proficiencies stated in the NMC publication. The purpose of this book is to provide students with material related to the standards of midwifery education.
Leap N, Hunter B (1993) The Midwife's Tale: An Oral History from Handywoman to Professional Midwife. Scarlett Press, London. MacArthur C, Lewis M, Knox EG (1991) Health After Childbirth. HMSO, London. McCourt C, Page L (1996) Report on ...
The Aboriginal health statistics still show an unacceptable discrepancy in life expectancy and in maternal and ... Little Children Are Sacred: Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry Into the Protection of Aboriginal Children ...