'Britain in India, 1858–1947' examines the last ninety years of British India, from the establishment of Crown rule after the Mutiny to withdrawal and partition in 1947.
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya traces the path that led to the creation of a central archive in India, from the setting up of the Imperial Record Department, the precursor of the National Archives of India, and the Indian Historical Records ...
Documents on Economic History of British Rule in India, 1858 - 1947: Southern India in the late nineteenth century. 1860s...
'Now that the Raj has gone with the winds of change, Byron Farwell's masterly picture if doubly welcome, ...whether emphasizing the jewels in its military crown, the Jam Sahibs in its cricket matches, the mutinies, massacres and finally, ...
Documents on Economic History of British Rule in India, 1858-1947: Eastern India in the late ninenteenth century. 1880s - 1890s
Documents on Economic History of British Rule in India, 1858-1947: Eastern India in the late nineteenth century, 1860s-1870s
Bourgeois Revolution on the Subcontinent Robert W. Stern. 10 Basically , the application of plentiful ... Henry Reeves , revised by Francis Bowen and further edited by Phillip Bradley ( New York : Vintage Books , 1956 ) , p . 452 .
This book examines how, as the relative importance of British interests steadily eclipsed those of India throughout the region, Indian sub-imperial impulses clashed with the relentlessly advancing metropole.
The volume provides a critical overview of the key issues and debates stemming from the film, and allows readers to reexamine them in light of the anthology’s multiple perspectives.
The British conquest and dominion of India
According to Colonel Kenney-Herbert, the author of Culinary Jottings for Madras (1885), 'a taste for light wines' and a 'more moderate indulgence' in alcoholic beverages had stimulated 'a desire for delicate and artistic cookery'.