A man battles his addiction to a devastating nanotech drug that steals identities and threatens the survival and succession of mankind as a galactic species. After the Nova-Insanity shattered Earth’s civilization, the Genes and Fullerenes Corporation promised to bring humanity back from the brink. Many years later, various factions have formed, challenging their savior and vying for a share of power and control. Glow follows the lives of three very different beings, all wrestling mental instability in various forms; Rex – a confused junkie battling multiple voices in his head; Ellayna – the founder of the GFC living on an orbital satellite station and struggling with paranoia; and Jett – a virtually unstoppable robotic assassin, questioning his purpose of creation. All of them are inextricably linked through the capricious and volatile Glow; an all controlling nano-tech drug that has the ability to live on through multiple hosts, cutting and pasting memories and personas in each new victim. In this tech-crazed world where nothing seems impossible, many questions are posed: what makes us who we are? What is our ultimate purpose and place in this world? And, most frightening of all, what are we capable of doing to survive? File Under: Science Fiction [ Hivemind | One More Fix | No Escape | Run Like Hell ]
Part of the first generation to be conceived in deep space, fifteen-year-old Waverly is expected to marry young and have children to populate a new planet, but a violent betrayal by the dogmatic leader of their sister ship could have ...
Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2017 Selection Lydia is thrilled to join the working girls in the factory, where they paint luminous watch dials for the soldiers fighting in World War I. In the future, these girls will be known as the tragic ...
Think of it as a set of guidelines with the purpose of showing you simple ways to create harmony in your life ... ways onto your own unique life , you will find yourself glowing , your natural radiance and vitality freed from the ...
Inspired by real events, master storyteller Eve Bunting recounts the harrowing yet hopeful story of a family, a war--and a dazzling discovery.
The Glow: A Novel
Based on Nobel Prize-winning research, an easy-to-follow lifestyle plan for losing weight, looking younger, and feeling energized.
This is why her site, HelloGlow.co, is the trusted destination for organic wellness, nutrition, and skincare ideas.
I don't usually read nonfiction, but the great stories make this book feel as if you're reading a novel.”—Donna H. “[Cook’s] poignancy and sassy humor resonate with readers; her theme of reinvention uplifts and inspires.” ...
The book covers everything from personal style to home decor, cooking, fitness, beauty, marriage, and more, making The Glow the parenting book for the new generation of hip moms.
In Mama Glow, maternity lifestyle maven Latham Thomas shares the tips and techniques to support a blissful journey to motherhood.