Torchwood started its life on television as a spin-off from Doctor Who, bringing Captain Jack to join new colleagues in a television series that quickly established itself as fresh and watchable television. It's fourth series, subtitled 'Miracle Day', continued its move from the niche channel of BBC3 to metamorphose into an international production between the BBC and the US network Starz. Torchwood has continued to entertain, provoke and attract large audiences and an expanding fandom. This is the first critical celebration of Torchwood across it four series, considering issues of representation, the fandom that surrounds the show and its complex, institutional contexts. Focusing in particular on how the meanings and understandings of cult television have shifted and become subject to technological, industry and marketing changes in recent years, Torchwood Declassified explores topics including the show's aesthetics and branding, its use of tropes from the horror genre, vast tie-in merchandise, status as a spin off, the nature of a celebrity that is both cult and mainstream, as well as the use of sound and music and of cult writers, and Torchwood's connection to place and location. The book will appeal to fans of the series, researchers and scholars, and anyone interested in ongoing questions over what cult television is, what it means, and why it continues to be of importance.
Gwen does think about having children (Slow Decay) and is apparently using birth control at this time. See Andy Lane, Slow Decay (London: BBC Books, 2007). 23. Many will assert that these novels are not ...
... Sarah Sutton (born 12 December 1961) is a British actress best known for her role as Nyssa in the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who. Nyssa was a companion of Tom Baker and Peter Davison's Doctors from 1981 to 1983.
... torchwood/03/2007/(accessed August 2013). S. Lacey, '“When you see Cardiff on film, it looks like LA” (John Barrowman): Space, Genre and Realism in Torchwood', in R. Williams (ed.), Torchwood Declassified: Investigating Mainstream Cult ...
... Torchwood Declassified . Ashley Way was the director of “ Reset . ” The trilogy includes “ Reset , ” “ Dead Man Walking , ” and “ A Day in the Death . ” 62. “ Reset . " Torchwood Declassified . 63. Torchwood Audio Adventures : " Lost ...
O'Brien, L. (2013), 'Damon Lindelof quits Twitter', ... Pearson, R. (2007), 'Lost in transition: From post-network to post-television', in J. McCabe and K. Akass (eds), Quality TV: Contemporary American ...
Paul Webb and Thomas Poguntke have argued that there has been a presidentialisation of politics, involving a shift from collective to individual power. They see this as including a rejection of collegiality and as a harking-back to ...
s well as the television series themselves, the Doctor Who franchise also encompasses a range of what Jonathan Gray refers to as 'paratexts' (2010), from webisodes, games, audio adventures and books, to companion programmes such as ...
Claire Duprela Tour, Andre Gaudreaultand Roberta Pearson,editors, Cinema Autour de Siecle/Cinema at the turnofthe century (1999). Roberta Pearsonand Philip Simpson, editors, Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory (2001).
This collection, which gathers together original articles by a global roster of contributors from a variety of disciplines, sets out to contextualize, problematize and scrutinize the current status and future directions of transmediality, ...
... Torchwood Declassified (2006– ). Alongside regular DoctorWho and Torchwood, which nowairat various times across boththe BBC's terrestrial and digitalchannels, the franchise hasreached outtoan international audience with sales, for ...