Retrained, finely wrought ... Mr Crichton Smith shows us isolation, perplexity, loneliness, a combination of blindness and indifference' - New Statesman 'Mr Crichton Smith has an acute feeling for places and atmosphere. The wind-blown heaths, the grey skies, the black dwellings, the narrow lives, the poverty - are all vividly depicted ... one can linger over the sheer beauty of his phrases' - Observer The eviction of the crofters from their homes between 1792 and the 1850s was one of the cruellest episodes in Scotland's history. In this novel Iain Crichton Smith captures the impact of the Highland Clearances through the thoughts and memories of an old woman who has lived all her life within the narrow confines of her community. Alone and bewildered by the demands of the factor, Mrs Scott approaches the minister for help, only to have her faith shattered by his hypocrisy. She finds comfort, however, from a surprising source: Donald Macleod, an imaginative and self-educated man who has been ostracised by his neighbours, not least by Mrs Scott herself, on account of his atheism. Through him and through the circumstances forced upon her, the old woman achieves new strength.
Consider the Lilies
Picking up where Book 1 (Under the Distant Sky) left off, Hannah and the children grieve over her husband's death. An embittered man sets fire to Hannah's store, but God provides and Hannah leads the man to Christ.
What does creation tell us about his plans, purposes, truth, or ways? T. M. Moore answers these and other questions in this artful introduction to creational theology, the discovery and celebration of God's glory through what he has made.
Presents botanical illustrations of familiar and exotic flowers, trees, and plants mentioned in the accompanying Bible verses and selections.
270 K. 1965 Dole: pro-vax BBC silences anti-vaxxers (4 pages). ... 338 (includes 1 page by George Maxwell on autoimmunity) 1997 Coulter: pertussis shot causes diabetes (3 pages)........330 1997 Panksepp: the brain in autism (3 pages).
Her family and friends have provided much of the inspiration for this collection.
She published Blackbird Spring, a book of her poetry, and edited Woman Soul, a collection of work by women poets. She collaborated with two other poets to write The Bedtime Book, a book of children's poetry.
Consider The Lilies
For the reader looking for something different: Concrete Poetry, Shape Poetry and Prose, with bible verses intermingled within this alphabetized book, with illustrations by the author.
Worried about the future because of health, financial or other concerns? This adult coloring devotional journal focuses on Jesus' words to consider the lilies for carefree living.