Describes the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes, the formation of mountains, deserts, and icebergs, and the methods used by scientists to discover more about the earth's structure.
The Earth in Action
Provide young readers with a better understanding of what causes these weather events and how to stay safe should a dangerous situation arise.
Earth Science provides lots of activities to allow students to discover for themselves the wonders of our Earth.
Provide young readers with a better understanding of what causes these weather events and how to stay safe should a dangerous situation arise.
The Earth As Modified by Human Action
In Slow deformation and transmission of stress in the Earth , S.C. Cohen & P. Vanicek ( eds ) , 31-46 . Washington DC : American Geophysical Union . O'Brien , K. 1979. Secular variations in the production of cosmogenic isotopes in the ...
Earth and Faith: A Book of Reflection for Action
Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Centre for Latin American Studies . Barney , G. O. , ed . 1980. Global 2000 Report to the President . Entering the Twenty - first Century . Vol . 2 : Technical Report . Report prepared by the ...
The Earth As Modified by Human Action: A Last Revision of "Man and Nature".