The Return of the Living Dead film series has become one of the most successful zombie movie franchises of all time, gaining cult status across the world and inspiring movies such as 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, and Zombieland. For the first time in 25 years, the cast and crew of all five films in this franchise reveal the stories behind the movies, offering their own opinions and details about life on the sets of some of the most fraught productions in cinema history. Supported by dozens of cast and crew members, The Complete History of the Return of the Living Dead features hundreds of previously unreleased behind-the-scenes photographs and exclusive artwork. This eye-catching, comprehensive book is the ultimate celebration of The Return of the Living Dead franchise and all those who contributed to its creation.
Return of the Living Dead
Romero often felt hemmed in by the constraints of film-making. To tell the story of the rise of the zombies and the fall of humanity the way it should be told, Romero turned to fiction. Unfortunately, when he died, the story was incomplete.
In an afterlife world inhabited by the recently departed who remain in the memories of the living, Marion and Phillip Byrd fall in love again, while on Earth, their daughter, Laura, is stranded alone in an Antarctic research station.
Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalist: This novel of psychological suspense is “full of seductive prose [and] sharply focused characters” (Library Journal).
George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead is a cult classic that has resonated with audiences and independent filmmakers ever since its release in 1968.
When a vampire asks Sookie Stackhouse to use her telepathic skills to find another missing vampire, she agrees under one condition: the bloodsuckers must promise to let the humans go unharmed. Easier said than done.
A recent documentary produced for The History Channel by Jon Alan Walz, Fear Files: Zombies (2006), attempts to address this issue for a popular audience. Walz maps out the mythological roots of the zombie in cultures that predate Haiti ...
This book takes a look at all aspects of this gruesome entity and delves into the less well known mythological and historical side of this fascinating subject. This hardcover volume is illustrated throughout in ghoulish, garish full color.
The latest novel in the TV smash hit and New York Times bestselling Walking Dead series from Jay Bonansinga.
Intensive studies and observations of the Living Dead had been made, however, and at last it was conceded that Doctor Farnham had been right and had not in the least overestimated the attributes of the beings.