This book is an easy to read book which gives clear and non-technical information about childlessness caused by male infertility, and about how this childlessness can be resolved by the use of donor insemination (DI). The book is written in a question and answer form and covers the issues raised by those seeking or undergoing DI treatment. It draws on the experience of couples whose own children were conceived by donor insemination and makes the knowledge gained by their experiences available to other childless couples. The questions answered include: What is DI? How common is DI treatment? How successful is DI? How much does DI cost? What happens at the time of treatment? Who is responsible if the baby is handicapped at birth? Does keeping DI hidden cause any problems? How do family and friends react when told about DI? What rights does the child have concerning knowledge of DI? Will the same donor be used for a second baby? Does the donor have any legal rights concerning the child? How many times is a donor used? What records are kept of treatment?
Expecting The CEO's Baby by Karen Rose Smith released on Mar 25, 2003 is available now for purchase.
Written for parents of donor-conceived children, this book provides information and guidance on talking to teenage children about donor-conception.
Verfahren zur Zeugung menschlichen Lebens in der Retorte geraten zunehmend in den Brennpunkt juristischer und interdisziplinärer Diskussion.
This book has been written for parents who have used donor insemination to build their families and also for those considering whether the donor insemination option is the right option for them.
The author describes his search to find out the true identity of his father after being told that his uncle was his biological father through the process of artificial insemination.
Jenna McCue wants a baby and she wants Spencer Smith to be the father--or rather the donor.
This book, winner of the Mom's Choice Silver Award for children's picture books, presents the basic facts of anonymous donor conception in a simple but loving manner.
... Extrakorporale Befruchtung und Embryotransfer aus arztrechtlicher Sicht Insbesondere : Der Schutz des werdenden Lebens ,, in vitro " ; Frankfurt a.M. , Bern , New York ; 1987 ( zit .: Pap , Extrakorporale Befruchtung ) ― ders .: Die ...
... Extrakorporale Befruchtung und Embryotransfer aus arztrechtlicher Sicht ; insbesondere : Der Schutz des werdenden Lebens in vitro . 1987 . Band 13 Sabine Rickmann : Zur Wirksamkeit von Patiententestamenten im Bereich des Strafrechts ...