This book contains essays written over the past 25 years about medieval urban communities and about the loyalties and beliefs of medieval lay people in general. Most writing about medieval religious, political, legal, and social ideas starts from treatises written by academics and assumes that ideas trickled down from the clergy to the laity. Susan Reynolds, whether writing about the struggles for liberty of small English towns, the national solidarities of the Anglo-Saxons, or the capacity of medieval peasants to formulate their own attitudes to religion, rejects this assumption. She suggests that the medieval laity had ideas of their own that deserve to be taken seriously.
Nutini,Hugo G. 1968.San Bernardino Contla: Marriage and Family Structure in aTlax- calan Municipio. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. Nutini, Hugo G., and Betty Bell. 1980. Ritual Kinship: The Structure and Historical ...
35 32 The text was apparently known to Jacob ha - Kohen , the first known Kabbalist in Castile ( Soria ) , in his Commentary to ... of R. Zarfati on the Book Ma'arekhet ha - Elohuť , master's thesis , The Hebrew University , 1987 , p .
... Damerham Alfred's Will Dorchester 833 Puddletown 976 Sturminster Marshall Alfred's Will Sutton Poyntz 891 Wareham 786 ... King Edward King Edward King Edward St Peter's , Winchester Bishop of Winchester St Mary's , Romsey St Peter's ...
The murder proved to be wonderfully inspiring for the makers of pilgrim badges: badges depicting the sword that struck him down or the head which received the fatal stroke, badges in the shape of a T for Thomas, badges showing the ship ...
在基督之后的第八世纪,保罗·迪肯用拉丁文写成的一本历史著作,记叙了离开斯堪的那维亚来到意大利并统治了两个世纪的伦巴德人的故事。 ...
「對權力的熱愛最為強烈又不容共享,舉世尊榮的極致來自天下萬眾的臣服。」 雄霸一方的光輝國度,偉大不滅的盛世羅馬 ...
349 : Hereford , Dover cartulary , Lambeth Palace Library ms 241 , fos . 228v - 229r : Stafford , Cambridge Clare College , ms 1. 8 of St Gregory's Dialogues , the flyleaf contains a letter from one Walter de Cantilupe , archdeacon of ...
(英)埃莉诺·帕克(Eleanor Parker)著, 王文倩译 ... Barrow , Tulia , " Danish ferocity and abandoned monasteries the twelfthcentury view , in Martin Brett and David A. Woodman ( eds ) , The Long Twelfth - Century View of the Anglo - Saxon ...
And if you are saddened , pick a rose from the top of the tree and pluck one of its petals : that symbolizes Love . And if you can no longer bear things , take the heart of the rose : then you ...
About the holdings which were created for the provision of knight-service—the 'knights' fees' of feudal records—little can be said in general terms. There were knights' fees which consisted of single villages, and here and there, ...