Organized as a series of tightly linked, comparative assessments, Mapping the West European Left provides a guide to the state of the left in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Spain. While all the essays are detailed historical compositions setting recent crises and dilemmas in a longer perspective reaching back into the postwar settlement they articulate original insights into the contemporary political conjuncture. Why did Swedish social democracy lose hegemony and direction while its Norwegian counterpart showed unexpected resilience? What was the background to the Danish rebellion against Maastricht? What are the prospects for the SPD and the Greens in post-unification Germany? Should the British Labour Party embrace electoral reform? What propelled the French Socialist Party from triumph to disaster? And why did the Italian left fail to fill the vacuum created by the collapse of the Christian Democrats? Behind the questions explored by the contributors to Mapping the West European Left lie deeper issues concerning the future of radical politics in Europe after the repudiation of Keynsianism and the end of communism. With the individual country analyses synthesized by the editors in a concise and comprehensive introductory essay, this book provides key pointers to the social forces and ideological platforms that offer lines of advance to the left today. Contributors- Tobias Abse (Italy), Patrick Camiller (Spain), Adne Cappelen (Norway), Niels Finn Christiansen (Denmark), Jan Fagerberg (Norway), Jane Jenson (France), Peter Mair (Britain), Lars Mjoset (Norway), Stephen Padgett (Germany), William Paterson (Germany), Jonas Pontusson (Sweden), George Ross (France), Bent Sofus Tranoy (Norway).
The Socialist Alternative
The procedure adopted for this book on socialism in the 21st century is as follows: Chapter One sets the stage for the book by looking at the way the notion of socialism has gained renewed respectability through calls for it to commence via ...
Under Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, the Department of Justice served as an adjunct to the companies' private guards, their armed deputies and their flunkeys in city government. The notorious Palmer equated the steel strike with ...
Allin Cottrell and Paul Cockshott. Towards a New Socialism, volumeNottingham. Bertrand Russell Press, 1992. W. P. Cockshott and A. F. Cottrell. A note on the organic compositionof capital and pro trates. Cambridge Journal of Economics, ...
Quotations from James Connolly: An Anthology in 3 Parts
No Third Way: A Comparative Perspective on the Left
Sociaal-democratische visie op huidige politieke en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, zowel in Nederland als in het buitenland.
本书系统阐述了毛泽东思想的哲学思想、经济思想、政治思想、文化思想、军事思想、外交思想和党建思想 ...
La identidad perdida del socialismo