This book collects the results of clinical experience and research, as well as the opionions of the specialists who have studied in depth several rare and complex syndromes associated with "Continuous Spikes and Waves During Slow Sleep", the Landau-Kleffner syndrome, and related conditions. It also presents a wide-ranging collection of cases presented by the participants in the meeting, and analysed in its various clinical, electrophysiological and psycho-intellectual aspects. The purpose of the book is to provide a thorough updated on specialised knowledge about the syndromes characterised by the presence of CSWS on the EEG, to bring out the many, still unanswered -- questions, and to stimulate further interdisciplinary research to verify the validity of present hypotheses, in order to clarify which preventive and therapeutic methods can best attain the control of such syndromes.
Between 1977 and 1990 , twenty - eight papers appeared in the medical literature on this topic , with a total of fifty - four cases reported ( Duffy and Peterson , 1992 ) . Progressive aphasia is not rare . In 1977 , Wechsler reported a ...
Afasia y conversación: las habilidades comunicativas del interlocutor-clave
Highlights the importance of working with partners in order to create real life change both for partners and for people with aphasia.
Schwartz , M. F. , M. C. Linebarger , E. M. Saffran , and D. S. Pate . 1987. ... Schwartz , M. , E. Saffran , and O. Marin . 1980. The word order problem in agrammatism : I. ... In M. Coltheart , G. Sartori , and R. Job ( eds . ) ...
The Source for Aphasia Therapy
Designed for a graduate course on aphasia in adults and related cognitive disorders This comprehensive text presents both theory and practice in a balanced treatment of impairment-based and communication-based disorders.
And so the Aphasia Recovery Connection was born. David's mom Carol Dow-Richards serves as the ARC Director. Together Christine and David's families have over twenty years of experience walking the path toward recovery.
The IFCI provides speech & language therapists working in the acute hospital setting with a measure of how well in-patients with communication difficulties can communicate in relevant hospital situations.
The IFCI provides speech & language therapists working in the acute hospital setting with a measure of how well in-patients with communication difficulties can communicate in relevant hospital situations.
Comprehensive textbook examining how both 'normal' and brain-damaged speakers process language in the brain.