Hearing Health Care for Adults focuses on improving the accessibility and affordability of hearing health care for adults of all ages.
People may turn up the volume on their televisions or stereos, miss words in a conversation, go to fewer public places where it is difficult to hear, or worry about missing an alarm or notification.
They are designed to be useful to a wide range of primary health care personnel. The manuals can also be used to help communities understand common causes of deafness and hearing impairment and ways to prevent and/or treat the conditions.
Prompted to write this book by a patient who thought the reality of hearing loss and its associated problems could only be truly understood by someone with personal experience, audiologist John M. Burkey gathered information from his own ...
Audiologist John M. Burkley shows readers how they can continue to enjoy youthful living, regardless of whether their hearing abilities are undiminished or severely compromised.
The National Research Council convened an expert committee at the request of the SSA to study the issues related to disability determination for people with hearing loss. This volume is the product of that study.
To permit timely intervention and prevent further hearing losses in workers whose HTLs have increased because of occupational noise exposure, NIOSH no longer recommends age correction on individual audiograms.
HowExpert Guide to Hearing Loss is a go-to guide for all things hearing loss. This book contains information that you won’t get anywhere else, written by an expert in the field.
The World report on hearing was developed with the key purpose of promoting global action for equitable access to ear and hearing care in all settings across the world.
Some caregivers notice a need to offer a hand to steady a parent or to slow their own step. There are, however, many useful devices to support safety, which is a key issue for all caregivers. Some aids are prescribed for your parent ...