'One should try to see health and disease in the light of the theory of colour.' -- Rudolf SteinerThrough her work as an art teacher, Liane Collot d'Herbois discovered that an individual's constitution, temperament and illnesss were often revealed through their painting.Using Rudolf Steiner's remark as a starting point, together with her own observations, she went on to develop therapeutic painting.Art therapy helps bring about balance and health in the human being through working with an understanding of the relationship between the opposing tendencies of light and darkness in art and in the human constitution.
This book covers issues of women's health, history, community cultural development, new feminisms and the voices of the Kaurna women who have lived in and around Port Adelaide for so many years.
The focus is on improving healthcare environments , for example , by making them more ' friendly or interesting and involving the local community in arts that are ' socially relevant ( Roberts and Bund , 1993 : 2 ) .
For example, a seven-year-old girl, Lynn, came into the playroom and stated that she wanted to paint. She went to the easel and painted one stripe of each colour on the paper. When asked about her picture, Lynn said that it was a ...
Charts the growth of the arts for health movement in the UK during the 1980s and 90s.
This book highlights clay work as a significant resource for art therapists, arts in health practitioners, and counsellors, providing an emotive yet contained approach to the development of personal body image acceptance and self-compassion ...
Dalley , T. , Case , C. , Schaverien , J. , Weir , F. , Halliday , D. , Hall , P. N. , & Waller , D. ( 1987 ) . Images of art therapy . London : Routledge . Dalley , T. , Rifkind , G. , & Terry , K. ( 1993 ) .
TN: Dugan Publishers. Horovitz, E. G. (1999). A leap of faith: The call to art. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. Horovitz-Darby, E. G. (1988). Art therapy assessment of a minimally language skilled. deaf child.
Hettler urges counselors to set example for society. Guidepost, 17–18. Holy Bible in King James version. (1985). TN: Dugan Publishers. Horovitz, E.G. (1999). A leap of faith: The call to art. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
A Guide to Conducting Art Therapy Research
'Beyond the Mind's Eye': Art Therapy and Creative Healing