Michael Faraday was one of the most important scientists of the 19th century, helping to lay the foundations of the modern electricity industry. This second volume of his correspondence covers the 1830s, a period when Faraday pursued the consequences of his discovery of electromagnetic induction and revised the theories of electrochemistry and the nature of electricity. His correspondents include scientists, artists, politicians and military men.
A two-volume 1870 account of the life of the influential English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday.
44 Geoffrey N. Cantor, 'Reading the book of nature: the relation between Faraday's religion and his science', in David Gooding and Frank A. J. L. James (eds.), Faraday Rediscovered: Essays on the Life and Work of Michael Faraday, ...
The Correspondence of Michael Faraday. Vol. 1: 1811– December 1831. Letters 1–524. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1991. ———, ed. The Correspondence of Michael Faraday. Vol. 2: 1832– December 1840. Letters 525–1333.
Phillips, 1829b, pp. xv, xvi; Winch, 1821; Young and Bird, 1822, pp. 4–5, 179, 289, 300–4, 311, 324; Young and Bird, 1828, pp. 355–6; Young, 1817, vol. 2, pp. 790–2; Eastmead, 1824, pp. 32–40; Penn, 1822; Nathaniel John Winch ...
In science the great ideas often come early , and those who do not die , like a Nelson or a Wolfe , at the height of their powers run the risk that the second half of their lives will be an anticlimax , even though they may turn out to ...
Also, Rossotti has recently published a book of extracts from Marcet called Chemistry in the Schoolroom ... Faraday's corrections of Connexion: The Correspondence of Michael Faraday (ed. James), Vol 2, letter numbers 684, 732.
Brian Bowers, 'Michael Faraday and Electricity (Pioneers of science and discovery)' Priory Press, 1974, Edition 2. Michael Faraday, FrankAJLJames (Ed.), The Correspondence of Michael Faraday, Volume 3: 1841-1848, Letter 1466.
A glance at Faraday's voluminous writings shows that he too had that instinct for language [ 2,3 ] . ... James FALJ ( ed ) The correspondence of Michael Faraday . Vol 2. Institute of Electrical Engineers , London , p 176 18 Whereof Man ...
Phillips, 1829b, pp. xv, xvi; Winch, 1821; Young and Bird, 1822, pp. 4–5, 179, 289, 300–4, 311, 324; Young and Bird, 1828, pp. 355–6; Young, 1817, vol. 2, pp. 790–2; Eastrnead, 1824, pp. 32–40; Penn, 1822; Nathaniel John Winch ...
were published in English, two in Latin, the rest in German. ... 358 (1847), 368 (184?), 383 (1848), 418 (1850), and 579 (1854) in the Selected Correspondence of Michael Faraday, L. Pearce Williams, ed. ... 1, 1812–1848; vol. 2 ...